BSA Merit Badge event

     BSA Merit Badge event

SASI sponsored a Boy Scout Rifle Merit Badge seminar, at Old Bethpage Rifle & Pistol Club, on Saturday, January 29th. 39 boys, from 5 Long Island troops, were registered. 10 of their parents or troop leaders also attended, as adult supervisors.
The boys and their accompanying adults spent the morning, from 9am~noon, in the classroom, undertaking a basic rifle safety course, administered by Lew Kelly and Wes Wagner. Between noon and 1pm, they broke for lunch. BSA rules had the boys bringing their own lunches, while we provided a catered lunch for the adults.
While the boys were in the classroom, our Range Instructor Team, consisting of Bob Baumann, Matt Blaising, Tony Bonventre, Marcel Chaillol, Joe Daidone, Rich D'Alauro, Erik Dalecki, Don Damrath, Warren Ferdinandsen, Paul Hores, Ron Lopez, Nikki Metterman, Ron Sineo and Wes Wagner, with Gary Hungerford, as Range Officer, checked out the rifles, sighted them in, for the ammunition, distances and targets we would be using, then carried out a dry run, before the boys joined us. Chris Klein, our resident photographer, spent the day getting many excellent shots of the youngsters, at play and in the classroom.

One of the mothers asked if we would provide her with hands-on instruction, after the boys had been put through their paces. We were very pleased to comply and she was very happy, when she was finished.
All of the boys qualified, to receive their Merit Badges, which will be awarded, by each of the troops, at one of their regular meetings. They also received Certificates of Completion, for successfully consummation of the firearms safety course.
When the word got out, that we were conducting such an event, we were overwhelmed with applicants. Consequently, SASI will be sponsoring a second such event, this one not limited to scouts or boys, on Saturday, March 26th, also at Old Bethpage R&P Club. That class is already booked to capacity with boys and girls, plus a waiting list.

 To see all the photos, click on the galleries at the left.


On Tuesday, January 25th, 2011, the second annual Sportsman's Legislative Awareness Day was held at the legislative office building in Albany.  For the second consecutive year SASI leaders manned a display table in the Lobby of the Legislative Building.  This year, SASI vice president Warren Ferdinandsen, and SASI Director Ron Sineo were on hand to meet with sportsmen and to represent Suffolk County at this great event.  Additionally, Warren and Ron had scheduled appointments to meet with several Long Island Legislators during the day. It was a very productive and successful event.  (for more pictures, check the gallery at the left)


First Annual SASI dinner - Support SASI and have a fun night out!

The First Annual Sportsmen's dinner - auction will be hosted by SASI for the benefit and betterment of all Suffolk County's sportsmen and sportswomen.

  • When:    Saturday, May 21st, 2011
  • Where:   Stony Brook Yacht Club
  • Time:     Doors open at 7 pm (preview existing prizes

                    and locate your seats)

                   Dinner begins at 8 pm (all-you-can-eat buffet)

                   Cash bar......Raffles.......Door prizes....Auction   

  • Price:     $55 per person, or $400 for a table of eight. 

                    Table "group" tickets of 8 must be purchased

                    in advance and all at one time to be eligible

                    for the discount. 

  • Tickets:  May only be purchased in advance

                    No tickets will be sold at the door.

                    Directions to the  Stony Brook Yacht Club

                    will be included with the purchased tickets.

                            To purchase tickets,

                  Contact Ed Prevosto at (631) 584-5209.

                    No Tickets will be sold at the door.